What are Good vibes?

We have created a system of healing based on nature to help you to bring and keep your life in balance

The first frequency we hear is the sound of our mothers heart beating, the first sound our mother hears is us screaming. Sound connects us all. From the sounds of the ocean, to the sound of birds singing, and the trees dancing in the breeze. Sound and frequency is the foundation of all life.

Everything vibrates, there is a realm beyond the physical, beyond what we can see, the realm of vibration, resonance, it is a subtle realm

Molecules vibrate. A single molecule can vibrate in various ways and each of these different motions is called a vibration "mode". Molecules that have just two atoms vibrate by simply moving closer together and then further apart. The nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) molecules in the animation are vibrating in this simple mode.Molecules with 3 or more atoms can vibrate in more complex patterns. Carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules have three different vibration modes, as illustrated on the right side of the animation below.

All about Good Vibes

Where it started

When I was a 13 I read a book called the 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of life', it is a book filled with fascinating ideas, stories, and geometries. This was the time in my life when my eyes began to really open to the hidden realm. I had always felt a connection to something more but I hadn't had the words to describe it. But when I started to read spiritual books and awaken, the puzzle pieces started to fit together for my young mind.

Are frequencies real?

We all feel things, feelings are not made of molecules, feelings are what adds depth to life. Are feelings real? Maybe feelings are the only real thing.
Feelings are not visible to the human eye, they are what connects us with a higher realm. The realm of resonance.

What are bad vibes?

We all know what one kind bad vibe are. But there are also dangerous frequencies all around us these days such as cellular waves, wifi, bluetooth etc. What can you do about it? Avoid using them as much as possible, never put your phone to your head, use a wired headset.
Remember to ground yourself in the Earth on a daily basis, go for a walk in nature, breathe fresh air and get negative ions that can have a positive impact on brain function, mood and well-being.

How does Good Vibes work?

Good Vibes are healthy frequencies taken from nature that tune the body back to its healthy state, just like when a tuning a musician uses a tuning fork to tune an instrument. We play healthy sounds to the body and it reminds it what the natural state is like.

It's party time

Get yourself a frequency transmiting device and load it up with some Good Vibes and see your life improve. One of our favorite frequency packs is the Flower Remedies, there are many kinds but they all seem to make us feel really good, on an emotional level. And feeling happy and anxiety free is really what life is about isn't it?

To Mars and beyond

There is no limit to what can be done with the Good Vibes of nature. Join us for the ride and we will see where this takes us!

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